Manipulating the Masses

Manipulating public opinion is not an easy task it requires a great amount of skill to persuades people views and have them envision yours. In order to get the publics attention and even consider your opinion as worthy to listen to you must break down your ideas feeding them your information one step at a time and then also be a strong speaker. It requires a copious amount of time and skill to execute these and a vast amount of practice the skills needed are a strong voice, an enlightened vision and a firm foundation along with some facts to prove your argument that way you’ll have a stable bases so when a person tries to derail you upon certain situations that you’re bring up you have a proof from facts.

Usually people cast out or ignore views that aren’t similar to theirs it’s like talking to a brick wall they won’t listen, but if you were to explain your views to them piece by piece they’ll possibly have an idea of what you’re speaking about. Politicians are masters of manipulation they’re capable of persuading whole crowds due to their strong speeches and approach upon the crowd. Bringing forth persuasive arguments and writing is like making a proposition to an audience you’re presenting that has interest to them and also yourself.


Malcom X is a great example of a persuasive writer and speaker he was able to get people around the nation to envision his views that offer to the public breaking down the knowledge he knew and explaining them to the mass public. He was renowned for his views and his speeches and will always be known for the way he can pull together a crowd.

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